We are not DEAD!! I am just trying to redeem my Blog from the dead so don't go away my friends. To catch you up to speed I'll do a brief time line summary for the last year.
Todd--is still working as a Nurse at same hospital he started out of college nearly two years ago. He's recently decided to go back to school for his Doctorate.
Elizabeth--will be 5 in October and has her last year of preschool this fall. Loves doing art and swimming in any condition.
Emma--is working on becoming a BIG GIRL. Got rid of the binky and now working on the potty training bit for the time being. We'll see how it goes...right now she just goes because its a guaranteed sucker if she actually performs her duties. She's a riot and loves the "limelight."
Me--I am just doing the daily grind and always counting down the days to our next vacation to anywhere.
Todd & Jenny Allen
Very Little About Our Family
Friday, May 17, 2013
Friday, October 15, 2010
Pumpkin Patch 2nd B-day!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sunday Dinner
Last Sunday we were at my sister's house enjoying a "quite tasty" meal. We had all gathered around the table and had begun consumption. E. was sitting next to Jenny. She too was enjoying her dinner when as a two year old is prone to do she knocked over her cup-o-punch! With a gasp she looked to her now soaked shorts then to me, then to Jenny and exclaimed, " shoop it a mess!" That broke the tension quickly and clean up ensued.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Couple Of Things
We're back to school I am excited to knock this one out of the park! Only Two semesters to go and I will be done. I could not have gotten this far with out the help of our families and friends. Especially our parents, they have been a great support to us.
On a different note, we have been having family home evening. Last night was a bust! After we sang a song and had opening prayer, it was all down hill from there. E just lost it, she started to freak out! Screaming and crying for no reason. She has been doing that a lot lately. Spanking doesn't work on her, so she ends up in time out in our room for a couple of minutes and by the sound of it you would think we are beating that kid. She is screaming like a banshee. We had to give it the old college try!
Lastly, this weekend Elizabeth got a new "big girl" bed. The battle over bedtime still rages. Last night I didn't feel like listening to her scream for 20 min so I laid down next to her and rubbed her back a little. After I did that, she started to rub my arm and my face with her little hand. I finally had to lay on the floor so she would go to sleep. But those moments are keepers!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Table refinished!
Jenny's mom gave us this table when we where married. I think one of the kids spilled some finger nail polish remover on it. Here is the before and the after. Re finishing furniture is long patient work. I have no patients, plus you really need your own place to work and I don't have that. But it turned out fairly good thanks to my friend Tom who is a great wood worker.

Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Terrible Two's
So I have been trying the last week and a half to make the famous crib to big girl bed transition with E. She started climbing out of her crib, more like falling out, and it was either get a crib tent or just bite the bullet and put her in a bed a little early. After 9 days of pure HELL, from listening to her scream bloody murder to taking her for a drive to make her fall asleep and everywhere in between. Needless to say that the 3 of us were getting no where fast, and maxed out Tired!!! Last night we got smart and put her crib mattress on the floor. After stories and songs she fell asleep at 10 pm..hey, believe me this was progress people. Nap time today rolled around 1 so I started the process and after 10 min of her fooling around I left and shut the door. Ya, those cheap plastic door handle locks don't work for crap, so I had to hold the door closed. Then I had this idea........
but unfortunately I didn't think of that until she was like this.......
That's right, those are her toes underneath the door. In her exhaustion and frustration she gave up and lied down. I wouldn't dream of moving her for fear of waking her up. Don't you just envy me at this stage of my life right now....No? I have to admit it is quite hilarious!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Rainy Day
We love August in the ELP. Lost of rainy fun. A nice change of pace from the dry hot days of spring and early summer.
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