Saturday, June 28, 2008

24 weeks Pregnant

These first two were taken today, which makes 25 weeks.

Here you go Liz, I am humiliating myself just for you. I hope it is appreciated by all who see it. I don't normally take pictures of myself, let alone with a belly. Just so you know I went to get another ultrasound yesterday and I was at 25 weeks so these pictures are a week old. I already feel like my belly has inflated even more.

My tests came back and I am not anemic nor do I have diabetes. That is good to know. The baby is healthy and doesn't have clef palit or however it is pronounced. She is definitely still a girl and an active one at that. She keeps her mom very aware of her existence. Sometimes I swear she is doing summer salts or cartwheels. Of course her favorite time to be the most active is when I lay down at night to go to sleep. Luckily, I've gotten pretty good at sleeping through most of it.

Boy I'll tell ya one thing for certain...I am more of a sissy than I thought. If I moan and scream with these 'round ligament' pains than I am in trouble come delivery time. You know the pain I am talking about. When the ligaments that support your uterus are stretching to accommodate its increasing weight. I just about crushed Todd's hand the first time I experienced this blissful feeling. I actually had real tears that time, but luckily last nights episode was not as extreme. Wow..can't wait for the indescribable pain to occur!

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Very Late for Fathers Day

What can I say except this is typical of me. I wanted to post something to my adorable husband on Fathers Day but didn't and now it is late like everything else in my life. So sorry honey...this one is for you Babe!

Words can not describe accurately my feelings for my cute husband. He is so thoughtful and sweet all the time. I swear he is always thinking of what he can do to make my life easier. For example: He has been the one cleaning the house lately. Since I've been pregnant and go to work all day the last thing I want to do on Saturday is clean my Townhouse. I just want to spend time with him doing fun things. He is the cook of the household. As most of you know Todd enjoys cooking and is very good at it. He has recently gotten into the baking realm of the kitchen and, sorry to say, has passed me up by now. To give myself some credit he hasn't tried to make a mean loaf of banana bread yet, thanks honey, but that one's mine. He even gets up when I do to make me breakfast sometimes to make sure I eat well for both baby and me in the morning. I am usually in a rush in the morning because I love my sleep, a little too much perhaps.

He has such patience with me when I give him a full report of my pregnancy aches and pains. He even gives me back and neck massages when I should be giving them to him every night. The mood swings...awe where do I begin. The poor guy has endured many of those and am sorry to say they may get worse in the third trimester.

Most of the excitement I feel when I think about the future and what lies ahead as this phase of our life unfolds. I am so blessed to be able to share all of them with you by my side Todd.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Well, well, well...who knew that because my belly button is protruding outward so far that it looks like you could turn it like a door knob. It turns out that I have a herniated 'giant knob' in place of what used to look like my cute little belly button. UGH!! It doesn't hurt, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't turn green at any moment. Much to my dismay it can actually do that..ewe! Hopefully it won't grow any eyes and a mouth and try to eat us either. Sometimes being pregnant just feels that 'alien' to me, can anyone else relate those weird feelings?

For instance- she has just, within the last 2 days, started moving around to the point where I can feel her. She is nudging and kicking and doing cartwheels within me and boy sometimes it is Funky! Todd says it feels strange to put his hand on my tummy and feel her kicking, punching, what have you. It is fun to finally feel another life after so long of wondering when reality would sink in.

I am due for another sonogram in a few weeks so they can look at her face and check the sex for sure this time. It was a bit of a guessing game last time I gather so hopefully this time it will be legit. I want to start buying the baby some stuff for preparation purposes. Cross your fingers that 'little peanut' is more cooperative this time around.